Thursday, March 13, 2014

Looking ahead!!!!

Computer Frustration - csp8482617

Looking back? Not at all!! Looking ahead? Definitely!!!

          I still remember the first day of class. Everything Ms. Nicole said sounded as if she was speaking in a foreign language and I thought to myself: “I am a preschool teacher,” “I don’t need to know about this.”

          Every lecture she gave fascinated me and deep down I wanted to hear more but at the same time I was reluctant to finish taking this class until the end.

          Perhaps it all started when I refused to create a twitter or face book account with the excuse that I like total privacy or when I refused not to explore any other technological tool at all.

          I remember I had a very hard time creating my blog and making my first post. It was like a child trying to read without knowing her abc’s. I asked some of my co-workers who also attend school for help but no one knew what I was talking about; except a teacher who is going to school for photography.

One day, I was very happy when I finally created my first blog!! When I showed to a friend of mine, who is also a teacher, I could see surprise and some kind of admiration in her expression. She thought what I once thought: “it seems so complicated that I do not think I will be able to do it!!!”

After ten weeks of lecture, seminars, hands-on practice, trial and error, and other activities, I have realized I am blessed to be part of this advancement in technology where our young children are growing with it and it is part of their everyday lives!! They are tomorrow’s society!!!

          Although this class is over, I want to continue learning about this world that even though it has been there for many years, for me is completely new.

My favorite tool
One of my tools that I would like to implement with my preschoolers is Blabberize. I think this is a creative way to encourage children's participation with any given activity. Although the hardest part is to give the blabber a mouth to give the impression it is talking, the most fun part is when children can listen to their own voices!!
Picture taken from clip art

Wikispaces a resource for teachers


I thank God for the opportunity He gave me to work with children. I want to be there for any child that needs to be nurtured and loved. I consider myself responsible and I am willing to mentor any teacher new in the field.

I think a person never stops learning. I appreciate constructive criticism and I am open to new ideas that will improve my teaching approach and better me as a person. But, I am somehow quiet and do not talk much unless I feel comfortable with people around me.

That's why when I read about wikispaces, I though this toolswas designed just for people like me. I think team work and collaboration is a great opportunity where people can utilize her strengths as well as weaknesses.




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