Thursday, March 6, 2014

Reflection on a stranger!!!!!

Reflection on a strager!                                 

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          A couple of months ago, I was trying                     to figure out what the different apps in my androide do and how they work. For some reason,     I said my address and pressed one of the keys at the
same time and what I saw next left me perplexed.
There was a picture along a description
of my house, its value, measurements, taxes paid, etc. I even could see pictures of my car and a couple of people who musthave been passing by. 
          I am not sure how, but I was taken to another website with information about me and my husband, my workplace, the names of some relatives, and other places where I had worked and lived before. Honestly, I was horrified. I am a quiet person who likes going unnoticed and like privacy (even digital privacy). It made me feel uncomfortable to think
that  all kind information about me or my family is only a click away!!!



          I thought I had forgotten about that incident until a couple of weeks ago when I learned about digital tatoos in my technology class. Using a Power Point presentation, Ms. Nicole introduced the topic in a way that caught the students'  attention and when we realized, we all were sharing what our tatoos meant for us and how or when we got them. Throughout the lecture, I learned some people get tatoos just for body decoration or medical issues. For others, tatoos are symbols that represent tribute, pride, status, religion, and love. We concluded with the fact that although tatoos can be removed, complete removal is not possible. This took us to digital tatoos.

Digital tatoos

The idea of digital tatoos is similar to body tatoos: complete removal is impossible. Ms. Nicole showed us a few archived websites and social media sites containing some old personal information. Some high schools, colleges and employers are now taking advantage of previous digital presence to monitor students and employee's personal social media posts. 


Reflection on a strager!

Finally, groups of two or three students had the opportunity to look up information about different people we did not know. Even though I was familiar with some of the sites we used for this purpose, the following are new sites for me:                  Social    


Using these sites enabled anybody to find out almost all kind of information from any given person:
Full name, username, gender, age, picture, salary, occupation, address, relatives, hobbies, etc. 

          The incident I used to open this post happened not long ago. However, from then to now there is a 360 degrees change in the way I see the technological world. I realized I can not swim against the current. I realized technology is part of the life of this and new generations to come. I realized technology is a great tool if used wisely. I am thankful I had to take a technology class that made me see the digital world in a different way. Thank you, Ms. Nicole!!!!!!!


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